Flexion Distraction

Flexion Distraction

Flexion-distraction uses non-surgical techniques to increase spine motion, reduce disc bulges and herniations, and take pressure off the lumbar region of the spine. This technique is a form of decompression therapy that aims to improve the pelvic region’s flexibility and is been used by chiropractors to decrease pain symptoms, reduce inflammation, and help the body maintain alignment. Improving range of motion through decompression methods can help patients with lumbar issues by easing pressure off the spinal nerves and increasing their overall quality of life.

Behind The Flexion-Distraction Technique

The flexion-distraction, also known as the Cox technique, uses manual, slow motions to create traction effects along the lumbar spine. Chiropractic techniques involve understanding the biomechanical relationship of the spine in with the rest of the body. Flexion-distraction technique can be used on people with various causes of lower back pain and spinal anatomy, using the motion of the table as assistance to deliver mechanical adjustments improving functional motion and alignment of the spine. The flexion-distraction starts as a low-velocity procedure but can vary according to the patient’s needs.

Originally developed by Dr. James M Cox, flexion-distraction is a well-researched and ever-evolving technique used for patients to manage various spine conditions. Studies such as those found in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science offer an analysis of this technique and its abilities, with many of them concluding that it can be used as a source of pain prevention for those with lumbar pain. Used by over 50% of chiropractors within the US, the flexion-distraction technique has helped patients recover their biomechanical functionality to bring balance, stability, and healing back to the body. By inducing passive motion to the patient with the table the chiropractor uses gentle motions to reduce joint dysfunction and rhythmically induce the spine back into proper alignment.

Conditions We Treat With The Flexion Technique

The flexion technique can improve biomechanical alignment through varying pressure movements to decrease pain frequency and duration. For patients with lumbar conditions, the flexion technique can improve overall symptoms and reduce complications through four to six consecutive treatments. Various lumbar conditions can be managed through this technique, including:

  • Lumbar Injuries: Herniated discs and bulging discs can potentially compress nerves throughout the spinal column, ultimately causing lower back pain to persist as a symptom. Chiropractic treatments using the flexion technique can remove the pressure points caused by the herniated disc, encourage resorption of extruded disc material, and alleviate pain through restoring spinal alignment.
  • Sciatica: Leg pain caused by a pinched sciatic nerve often is exacerbated by herniated discs or bone spurs. Removing the pressure through a biomechanical adjustment can ultimately relieve these symptoms and correct the spine’s alignment.
  • Back Strain/Sprains: Strains and sprains, caused by muscle and ligament tissue trauma and overuse, can place pressure along the lumbar region, creating nerve and muscle pain that radiates to other regions of the body. The flexion-distraction technique can gradually reduce pressure from the sprains and assist the body’s natural healing process.
  • Subluxation: Any misalignment in the joints surrounding the lower spine predisposes patients to the degenerative development of arthritis, and often causes increased amounts of compensation throughout the spine, hips, and legs. Treating this misalignment through the flexion technique can overall improve alignment, which can ultimately reduce symptoms.

If you want to learn more about how this technique can help treat your concerns and help you on the road to optimized wellness, contact us today!  We’ll schedule you for a consultation and exam where we can determine our next steps together!

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